Artist Statement
Hugo Xavier Bastidas
Hugo Xavier Bastidas received his undergraduate degree from Rutgers University and his Masters of Fine Art from Hunter College in New York City. He has a number of awards including a Robert Smithson Scholarship, a Fulbright Fellowship, Pollack-Krasner Grant and a NJEA Grant. The Nohra Haime Gallery in New York City has represented him for the past twenty-six years where he has had 17 solo shows. His most recent solo show the Nohra Haime Gallery, Codifactions, was critically well received. In 2018 Illuminations I was produced during Time Equities Inc.’s Artists in Buildings Residency 2014-15 in lower Manhattan. He has attended a number of residencies including ArtOmi, New York , Can Serrat Artists Residency in El Bruc, Spain, CAMAC Marnay sur Seine, France among others. In 2007 Bastidas had solos shows at the Gyeongnam Museum of Art, Kunstdoc and Bonn Gallery in Korea, which firmly established him internationally. He represented the United States in the Cuenca Biennial, Cuenca, Ecuador, 1999 and the Sharjah Biennial, United Arab Emirates, 2001. He has produced over 330 paintings and some 490 oil sketches in the past 26 years in the present black and white genre. Two-thirds his artworks are in private and public collections worldwide. He participates in numerous group shows annually. His artwork has over 80 critical reviews in the most positive light.
Works represented by Gallery Boreas (Lenox Massachusetts, Reykjavik Iceland) are his digital pieces, which were included in the Paris, Cologne and New York DiVA shows (Digital and Video Art Fair) as well as the AAF in New York City. This work explores perception, perfection and hyperrealism.
He is a member of the National Academy of Arts and Design in New York, the oldest institution of celebrated and important American artist in the country. His painting, Flower Bridge" is part of the Museum's holdings, which is the most important collection of important American art in the world. Mr. Bastidas is also a member of the Century Association in New York City, Board member of the Artists Fellowship. And is an Associate Professor at New Jersey City University for the past twenty three years and an art lecturer at the Art Students League of New York for twenty years.